Monday, August 01, 2005

Smash and Grab: Coin Shop

1. Find a Coin Shop
2. Scout it out...go into the store appear as a window shopper locate 1 or 2 areas with small easy to carry valuable merchandise in glass cases.
3. Removes plates from car
4. Prepare. Get mask and hammer
5. Leave car running in front of shop...take hammer and bash glass door or window cleanly enough to get though, ignore alarm...just make show to be gone in 1 - 10 minutes
6. Jump inside run to area of light valuables....bash case with hammer
7. Grab, run out though entrance method
8. Jump in car takeoff

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Jack a Car

1. Get up at 6am - 8am
2. Go for a walk in a neighborhood
3. Soon you will come across a car "warming up" (the owner is inside getting ready to leave)
4. Open door of vehicle and take off.

Free Change

1. Find Soda Machine (preferabily in non-obvious area)
2. Bring Tissues
3. Stuff Tissues up change slot of Soda Machine
4. Come back a week later with lighter
5. Burn Tissues
6. Tons of change from the week falls down
7. on all sort of auto change machines

Free Food

  1. Wait till it's Late at Night
  2. Go to Gas Station
  3. Clog Toilet
  4. Tell only employee on duty about the toilet problem
  5. While employee is fixing it jack stuff
  6. Take Off